I did my first drop

And it was so exciting.... a toy drop i mean...
There is a wonderful group called The Toy Society that has helped people like myself be able to bring love and smiles into the world.. do check out what they do, and what they encourage us all to do.. so wanna see what i dropped... meet HOOTIE

I dropped her at the local DFO, on a chair, and within 3 minutes she was gone, and on her way to a new home, with her addoptive family!!! i cant wait to do my next one



Sandra said...

What a cool idea Niss! I'm going to do this one day too (gosh, when I find some time!!) I love the little toy you made - so cute.

neca84 said...

What a brilliant idea Niss, I followed your link and I am going to do this too, how cool.

But please tell... whats a DFO???

Mumfies said...

So you just leave it on the chair? Someone takes it? Is that a note in the bag with it? Did you stand back and wait, seeing who it went with? How funny! It's awfully cute!