im sad

Hiya, i posted a little down the page how master b was going back to football, and we were all excited about it. .......well...... he isnt! His tall scrawny, lanky frame of a body is just not up to it, to many injuries over the last few years with other sports/skateboarding etc etc, and i think more to the fact that once you hit the under 14's level of footy, they are pretty big buggers, and if your not feeling up to it, and your hearts not in it, ITS GUNNA HURT when one hits you to the ground~! So, he has been advised to stay away from footy, and try a sport with no contact... hmm now there is always ping pong i guess!


Anonymous said...

Hey Niss just popping in to say hello. How is life treating you these days? must play catch up sometime bugger about SBC forum.

Anne P said...

Hi Niss, how about Soccer or Basketball. You described a tall lankey fellow, maybe he can take up basketball, or volleyball. There are lots of possibilities :-) Don't be disheartened.

Mooselet said...

Bummer! We were looking forward to seeing him back, not to mention having a good catch-up with you. Oh well... non-contact? Archery maybe? Swimming? Always something to fall back on.

Mumfies said...

Oh come on, have you seen my children??!!! They aren't exactly big! There are a few littlies on the team, way smaller than Mst B.
Ah well, yes, perhaps ping pong then!
Such a shame, we miss you all.
How's the move going? I've lost track.