another project i have to complete! UFO"S everywhere

while packing up I found a few UFO's (unfinished objects), but this one i really should finish. I started a scraps quilt about a month ago, i gathered all my scraps, bits and pieces and cut them into strips, to make a single bed strip quilt for the angel/monster... but... i had so many scraps (don't tell anyone), I just kept sewing and it kept growing, the top 2 were my first 2 squares, and i got sort of.. well ... addicted to sewing them together and with in 3 days i had created a monster! (and i haven't touched it since, im actually a little scared and overwhelmed by the size of it) It will now fit on our king size bed!. I have the middle strip fabric and the border and back fabric, i even have the cotton bamboo filling to go in, i just have to put the whole thing together then try and tackle quilting it!, I think i will have if professionally done, I don't think there is any way i can manoeuvre something that big around my singer sewing machine!
And then there is this gorgeous bag of bamboo cotton i bought, a bargain a ball at just $1.00 each, i had all the intentions of knitting a cute bright cushion for the lounge, but, it never got done!, so now i have handed it on to my mum, hopefully when it is all knitted she will give it back! ... ah one can hope!


Sonia Domingues said...

Hello my friend,I don't speak English!!! Mas não posso sair da sua página sem postar esse comentário.Seu trabalho é lindo!!! Me faz lembrar as colchas de retalho que minha avó fazia,que saudade!!!Desejo muito que você consiga traduzir meu comment!!!Kisses

niss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
niss said...

sorry i had to dlete the above comment, i translated in the wrong language!!

from what i could translate Sonia says -

Hello my friend,I don't speak English!!! But can not go out of your page without posting that work comentário.Seu is fair! She has me the shred bedspreads remembered what grandmother of mine what homesickness was doing!Desejo Much you obtain will translate my comment!!!Kisses

thankyou Sonia i will visit your blog out too x x x

Scrap Ronnie said...

Wowsers!! you are a cleaver girl!!

Glenda said...

hi niss love your work and you are the lucky winner of my little doll for the OWOH giveaway.please send me your address so I can send on your from Glenda