Looking for something different for you kids to do during the July school holidays , well how about bringing them to one of my classes at Threads & More, yep I will be teaching the kids classes this holidays... we will be doing something to challenge their creative juices. the days will run from 9.30 till 10.30 Wednesday 2nd July and Wednesday 9th July for 8-12 age group, and 9.30-12.30 Thursday 3rd July and Thursday 10th July for the 13+ age group... We will be felting a wall hanging, or a felted creation that can be used for an i-pod cover, purse or mobile phone pouch, anything the kids want to use it for really! Then embroidery, and beading, how about making their own bracelet, key ring, necklace whatever they like...the only requirements needed are imagination, creativity and enthusiasm!

(these are only examples, they may felt whatever they like on their wall hangings and pouches, in any colour they like!) classes are $65 and that includes tuition, instructions to take home, ALL materials and a yummy morning tea! So if your kids have ever wanted to try something new, or already may have the knowledge and want to extend it, or just want to have a day of fun with some new friends (away from siblings and mum!) just give Threads and More a call on 3379 6699 ...we would love to have them for the day! (we do have a cafe in our store, so parents are more than welcome to hang around and watch their children blossom into young artists!)
Corner of Sherwood and Oxley Roads Sherwood... ph 3379 6699



Mumfies said...

Well how exciting for you! Enjoy the hols then.