PARISA............ you will be proud of me!!!

and you wanna know why?? (no i havent finished your OWL bag!!!!) I LEARNT TO CROCHET !!! yes me!!! the girl who tried to do a circle under your wonderful teaching and supervision and turned the darn thing into a little hat or egg cosy by accident!!!! well check this out... im turning this........................ into............ this.............. ME + 3.5mm HOOK + BINGO COTTON = MY FIRST "REAL" CROCHET PROJECT, a babette blanket.... and i looooove love love it. i am addicted, and i have learnt at least one valuable lesson along the way... weave in your ends as you go.... i was doing a few squares at home the other day, put it all in the box and went and hung the washing out. A few minutes later Abby came out to me and said "i helped you with your square things mummy" did you i replied as im dashing towards my pride and joy squares, and she says yes.. "i cut all the strings off for you".. ARRRGGGGHHHHH (well that was not the words i really used) she had snipped all my ends i had ready to be woven in, luckily there were on about 7 squares (a whole pannel) not stitched together yet... but still a good half days crocheting unable to be saved..... needless to say they now reside in Abby's dolls house! miss you girlfriend, come back to OZ and visit me soon............. Ax


Sara Pearcy said...

Welcome to the world of crochet!! Love what you have done so far. xx

Anonymous said...

YOUR CROCHET IS AMAZING!!! I must be a useless teacher :) I can't believe you've already started a babette blanket's so addictive, isn't it?! I loooooove granny squares! Can't get over your felted hat too, it's gorgeous with the flower on it. Sad that I missed Raewyn, was it loads of fun in the store? xxx

Kylie said...

Lovely to meet youtoday - I had my own AHHHHH!!! moment with sissors and a toddler. It was actually with the Rainbow dress we were talking about. There is a link for you - AHHH Kids:)