hello everyone, how are you all today? ah thats good to hear. Yeah Im well to thanks, had a busy day actually, doing what you ask, i went to the papercraft convention today, and i have never seen so many people in one spot... it was so busy. I helped Ang with the friskas class, that was fun, and shopped a little..... yes i only bought bargains, and i stuck to my budget and didn't reach for the plastic money once! there is a pikkie bellow of my new 'stash' wow thats a lot of tape i hear you say, theres 8 rolls to be exact, it is my favorite tape and i can usually only get it from the shows, however last show i went to (may) there wasn't any there... so i had to stock up! and did you see the owl and birdie chip board shapes... they are too cute! I have a bit of an addiction to chipboard... that will be a new and long post on it own some other time... i might just have to photograph it all! and my latest dotee doll (below) if you cant use your imagination, its a ladybug!! Well you know Miss A started daycare last week, and she never even battered an eyelash when i left, well this week was a little different, she screamed from the minute i walked out the door, till her father picked her up 6 hrs later....i feel terrible, they said she may settle better if she had an extra day...as did mumfies tell me the same thing! So as of next week she will go two consecutive days, they swapped and changed a few other kids around to accommodate her, aint they good to us... we are putting her in on a day i don't work so i can stay a little while in the mornings and play with her and the other children together, leave for a little while then come back and get her..we are hoping that being there more, and getting use to it helps out the situation, bless her HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENNY - WE LUV YA BOODLE BUM well thats about it today, thanks for stopping bye.................................Ax
i love your latest dotee doll, the ladybird design is just so CUTE!!!
Hi Niss,
Love the ladybug dotee doll!!!! You did very well to stick to your budget at the show...'good girl'. Was good to catch up the other night.
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