dolls for the girls

A couple of weeks ago we went down to NSW to visit Jason family to spend some time with them, we only usually go at Christmas, But my Dear hubby has so much holiday time up his sleeve, that i booked us tickets and said we are going.......... And it was friggin freezing!!! I had been promising my S-I-L (well she isnt yet, but she may as well be) a Dotee doll for over a year now, so I thought, well i will make it and take it down. I hadn't made one of these little beauties in a while, so once i finished her, i thought well its one of Jason Nieces birthday while were down there so i will make her one too... So i did, and then i couldnt stop i was on a roll!!!! So all 5 of Jasons nieces and his 2 S-I-L's got one....

Now i want to go and make 3 more, one for each of Jasons 2 sisters, and an extra special one for his Mum... so stay tuned more coming soon... now i have the Dotee bug again...


Laurie said...

I love your dotee's! As one addict to another, good luck with your addiction, my craft room is where I can be found at any time. I have some of mine posted on my blog, stop by and see!!

Unknown said...

My Dotee is hanging on my desk at work and I have had lots of comments on how cute she is... Thanks Anissaxxx