last night Scrapbook City had a cyber crop, there were 3 amazing challengs, a cool crossword, and heaps of chit chat! first challenge of the rank was from Ang , you are set!
and this is my interpritation hey presto......out came DIVA GIRLS! thanks Ang! x (sorry i had to remove it,) back soon!
Our Next challenge was from the lovely Carole...Create a layout using RED as the main colour any shade of red and you can use ONE other colour, any shade and photo(s) can be colour or black and white. You can use ribbon, and brads etc, in the two colours, and you can also use black or white pen, glitter etc.
i chose to use cream as my other colour.....aint she the sweetest looking thang! thanks Carole! x
And last but not least was this "challenging" Challenge from Michelle...This is a challege based around using scrapping products/tools that match the letters in your name, You can choose from any product that matches the letters - you have to think of more than one thing if you have double up letters. The only stipulation will be to use everything on your list. It can be a double or a single LO and you can use as many or as little photos as you like..... WELL when i read this i thought geeez, 2a's and 2s's hmmmmm...will have to think about this one, but alas this is it!
N - notepaper
I - ink
S - staples
S - Stamp
A - an @ sign (dont know if this one will be accepted) but what the hey!!! i had fun
WOW WOW WOW all your work has been amazing Niss... great take on all the challenges.
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