Terri from SBC has given a few of us girls a challenge to write about the things we love, and seeing it is Monday LOOOOVE day, i thought i would combine them both...hope thats o.k.!
SO.... besides the obvious...Hubby, Kids, Family, Scrapbooking, all crafts etc etc etc.....
(in no particular order, just how the pikkies turned up).......
i love my white gel pen!!! I know its a weird thing to love, but i would be so lost without it, i use it on every single LO i do, i even try to resist myself using it, but i just can't. i think i may be a GELAHOLIC!! next pic...Ahhhh Billy Idol, or William Broard, what a hunka hunka hunka burnin love...i was soooo in love with him as a teenager, and i think the highlight of my childhood was going to see Billy in concert, i even threw him my 8AA training bra, (lol) and he wiped his brow and handed it back to me....and i still have it. (although it is a bit yellow now)!!!! Actually i am a bit of an 80's fan, LOVE all the music, had all the clothes and hairdo's (but thats a seperate post in itself, stay tuned for that one) (i have pics that will blow your mind!!). Froggies....i love frogs, would love to own one, but for now i have a few living around the house, both real and not, that i love to listen to nightly... dont know when this love started, maybe while i was waiting for my prince charming.....or was that a toad! living in fairy tale land...
Ahhh, a cup of tea....nothing beats it, first thing in the morning, mid morning, lunch time, after dinner, it doesnt matter.. i prefer it out of a pot, but seeing im the only one in the house that drinks it, making a pot is a bit of a waste. And i love a cuppa out of my favorite cup....i got that cup 12 years ago, from a young client i had while i was hairdressing, he gave it to me for easter with a chokkie egg in it, he was 11 then, so now he would be wonder if he remembers, i only stopped doing his hair last year, when i gave up hairdressing.... My Bath Robe, this is like an old friend...i just love it, its always happy to see me, never complains, and im sure loves me as much as i love it! My stinky old comfy colorado's....dont we all have a pair of them...i just cant seem to part with them, they are about a year old now, and i wear them as much as i can, they are like walking on pillows, i have the toe grooves worked into them perfectly ever time i put them on my hubby rolls his eyes, shakes his head...and i say...What?... and he says, "nothing"with emphasis on the ing...maybe one day..not in the near future though, i will get another pair and love them just as much....And last but not least this should have been at the top of my list!!!!not only am i a GELAHOLIC, i am also a CHOCOHOLIC, any where, any time, any type....chocolate bars, chocolate icecream...mmmm chocolate, chocolate body paint...nah just joking about the body just adore it...
well i think i have told you enough today, so until next time......thanks for reading, and enjoy Monday LOVE day...Ax
A very good morning to you Niss....just had a look at my mail and here was your comment about our very unusual mushroomy thing...yes DH and I thought the very same thing you did LOL..... Definately something I won't be explaining the the kids as to why DH and I were laughing so hard it hurt....ROFL
Hay just noticed you live in Westlake, I am a stone's throw from you my dear.....Riverhills here. One day should get together hay!! PM me on SBC and can give you my details there :) I absolutely loving your layouts on SBC those calendars your coming up with are fantastic....truely a masterpiece within themselves!! Well I am off as you can see I have only just gotten home from work (almost 6am) and have to go to bed (DH doing the kiddy deal this morning woo hoo) Thanks again for the comment and wonderful to see your blog, will have to add to my favourites now on my blog....have a great monday and hopefully will see you around at SBC!!
----> Scrap_Addict Linda
You put a big smile on my face reading your "favourite things"...
Glad you joined in the challenge. I have colorados that are 5 years old and they are my fav too, I buy a new pair every year but never throw them out!!!
Gotta love the 80's... My sister was a Billy Fan but not ME...
Have a great week
I love Billy. Still do! He used to be my kick start to the mornings before I had kids and needed to wake up.
I don't really have any favourites, only really that I like a cup of tea out of a particular cup and then I dropped it. Just not the same since. Since moving back to the 'burbs I can't stand tea anymore unless it's made on tank water. Luckily we put in a tank so I can enjoy my tea again. Weak black, no sugar. Mmmmmmm
Hi Niss, you were fast. I'm stuck at work so will have to try & get to my blog tonight. So glad you took up the challenge.
I grew up with 80s music but was never into Billy Idol. I spent a few hours the other week downloading songs onto my ipod from the 80s that I used to love. Funy thing is the kids have been listening to it now and liking it as well.
Was sooooooooooo into Billy Idol had posters of him all over my wall even crocheted his name into a blanket that I was crocheting. Also a colorado fan. just can't seem to throw them away
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