Looking for something to do 10th, 11th and 12th September

Well why not check out Scrapping Outbacks cyber crop. There will be fun, games and challenges to play, heaps of scrapping and chit chat to be done and friendships to be formed. Just go to the forum and sign up. Get your awesome discount code and use it to buy your kit (you dont have to buy the kit to participate, but it makes deciding what to use a whole lot easier!!!!)

And then check out Scrapping Outbacks blog for a chance to win a cool prize.. check it out below!

So come on and join in the fun, i will be there with my trusty paper cutter and double sided tape.... ohh, and heaps of bling!! LOOK at this gorgerous chipo board designed by the ever talented Rachelle Minett, here are a few of my favorites... the love laugh, live, dream is my absolute flavour of the month..
thanks for reading...................................Ax