Remember me showing you these journals..... they are Round Robin Art Journals, where you do a few pages then send it to the next person, then they send it on etc etc etc, where i eventually get it back completely full of inspiration, artwork from around the globe .... wellll..... one of them went awol, yes its missing!!!! 2 people away from it coming back to me.... i was and still am absolutely devistated, not only because of the time and effort and art i put into it myself, but all the artwork and time everyone else has spent on it. Someone out there HAS my journal. IM SO NOT HAPPY... and then apparently the other one was posted home to me over 2 weeks ago form within Australia... and guess what.......... IT GONE FREAKING WALKIES TOOO!! im really really pissed, i so hope it turns up.

i know i definitely wont see one of them again, but if there is someone up there looking out for me....PLEEEEEEEEEEease please please, help my other journal find its way home....
Needless to say, i will no longer be partisipating in any more Round Robin's !!!! (insert really really sad face here)
Thanks for reading......................................Ax


Mumfies Moments said...

Oh, that is so disappointing. I hope you get a happy ending.