im moving....

Mar 30

to see you over there!

Babette Pics, as promised

Nov 06

lots being going on, i havent had time to blog!

Nov 03

Hi, Remember me??, its o.k if you dont it has been a while since i visited! I have been busy making lots of things for work for the crafternoons. The crafternoons are held at Threads and More every saturday and sunday from now until christmas, and there are some beautiful things to make and learn. you can see the list of yummies here I have just recently had my Niece the beautiful Emma-Jean over for the weekend, Miss Angel/Monster just loves her, she is constantly saying to me "i really really love Emmy Mummy" they watched some DVD's, played lots of games, read lots of books and did a bit of baking... they made these delicious looking scrummies for us to enjoy after dinner!

I am still totally addicted to my crochet, and just cant seem to stop, i swear i will probably never knit again, (well i wont after i have finished the few tea cosies i have on the go at the moment, and the all in one top down malibrigo lace cardi i am in the middle of!). I have finally finished my Babette blanket #2 and will post pics in another post, along with a rug i crocheted for Miss Amelia Rose. Here are a few dishcloths i have been working on.
Along the lines of swapping i havent done much in the last 6 months, nothing is really taking my fancy, I did however sign up for a long term Fat Journal swap, which will run for quite a long time, where we are given a theme and we have to create a chunky/layered page, this months theme was paisley, this is what i created and it is on its was to the USA as of a few hours ago. lots of hand drawing in this one and lots of dimensional foam and diamond glaze... i am really with happy how it turned out, and cant wait for the next theme to be announced..
here are a few dolls made for a customer order, they were just quick child friendly ones, so no beading, embroidery or major embellishments on these little precious girls.
we have these new Babushka kits available at work, and i really enjoyed making this sweet think, it is much bigger than i thought it was going to be, but its a pleasant suprise, i can wait till there all sold out, so i can keep this one for myself! I dont keep many things i make i usually give them away or sell them , but this one i may keep!
so back to the crafternoons, here are some examples of just a few of the classes. Crochet snow flake and felted beads, we had our first felted bead class on Sunday and a great turnout it was, i was feeling a little nervous going in to teach this class, as the wonderful textile artist Raewyn Penrose from NZ is at the shop for the next week felting up a storm, and well, all was o.k, i didn't have to be nervous, because, well, Raewyn being the wonderful person she is offered to take the class for me, so all the girls doing the class got a huge bonus, being taught by the BEST! They all made wondeeful beads and some pretty amazing licorice logs which once they are dry will be sliced up and made into whatever they desire!
These are the softies i have made for the Adults softie class, Every school holidays i teach a kids softie making class, and lots of customers that wonder through the store while these are on, and parents of the kids, have asked will i teach this to adults, i have never really considered this as i didn't think i had the confidence, nor were my little toys good enough, but well they are, and so i am, i have had a great response, and the booking for this class are going great guns!
this little stocking is one i have made for the wee wonderfuls stitchery class, along with the santa sack below it, the stitchery is a free pattern here
The kids are all good, Master B is just about to finish Grade 10, and has picked his subjects for next year, Maths3 and Maths2, (to do Maths 3, the highest maths you have to do maths 2 also), Graphics, Music, English, Physics, and Industrial Tech Design.. when we were in with the Guidance counsellor and head of Maths choosing these subjects, my eyes and ears were dropping out of my head, I said to "B" that is a huge work load maybe you should make your backup subject (thats the subject they choose in case they cant get into one of there chosen subjects) something bludgy, something that wont stress your brain so much! so he says to me yeah mum your right, i will put down Chemistry!!!!..... WTF!!!! Chemistry........ im sure that wasn't a bludgy subject when i was at school. But the Councellor and head of maths said nah thats fine, he can handle all that............. So guess what Master B is getting for christmas..... TUTORS!!!!! cause i sure as hell cant help him with ANY of those subjects!
Miss Angel/Monster has been unwell lately so we have had more Miss Monster than Miss Angel we had a bit of a rush to Mater childrens as her doctor didnt know what was wrong with her,they said it could either be meningitis, hand foot and mouth, or some other disease i can say let alone spell, either way they said if they do tests to find out what it is they cant help anyway!, and seeing she had blisters all through her mouth, they say that thats viral, so there is nothing that could treat it she was a big brave girl, with at least 6 doctors checking her over, 2 of which looked like they were (in Abby's words wearing "space suits"), but it was just gowns and slippers, and face masks and cloves up to their elbows!!!, but to a nearly 4 year old thats kinda scarey! they put it down to "probably" hand, foot and mouth. so a few weeks at home with mum, and lots od DVD's (i had to join a video store!), a few hours crafting (ahh thats my girl!) lots of cuddles, custard and iceblocks. she is well now, just one lone blister on her lip left and im sure that should be gone by morning.
well im signing off now, i will post the babette pics a little later on, i have to do the motherly/wifey thing now and cook dinner. Thanks for reading...................................A x

Looking for something to do 10th, 11th and 12th September

Sep 02

Well why not check out Scrapping Outbacks cyber crop. There will be fun, games and challenges to play, heaps of scrapping and chit chat to be done and friendships to be formed. Just go to the forum and sign up. Get your awesome discount code and use it to buy your kit (you dont have to buy the kit to participate, but it makes deciding what to use a whole lot easier!!!!)

And then check out Scrapping Outbacks blog for a chance to win a cool prize.. check it out below!

So come on and join in the fun, i will be there with my trusty paper cutter and double sided tape.... ohh, and heaps of bling!! LOOK at this gorgerous chipo board designed by the ever talented Rachelle Minett, here are a few of my favorites... the love laugh, live, dream is my absolute flavour of the month..
thanks for reading...................................Ax