im moving....
to see you over there!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 | | 0 Comments
lots being going on, i havent had time to blog!
Hi, Remember me??, its o.k if you dont it has been a while since i visited!
I have been busy making lots of things for work for the crafternoons.
The crafternoons are held at Threads and More every saturday and sunday from now until christmas, and there are some beautiful things to make and learn. you can see the list of yummies here
I have just recently had my Niece the beautiful Emma-Jean over for the weekend, Miss Angel/Monster just loves her, she is constantly saying to me "i really really love Emmy Mummy" they watched some DVD's, played lots of games, read lots of books and did a bit of baking... they made these delicious looking scrummies for us to enjoy after dinner!
Wednesday, November 03, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Looking for something to do 10th, 11th and 12th September
Well why not check out Scrapping Outbacks cyber crop. There will be fun, games and challenges to play, heaps of scrapping and chit chat to be done and friendships to be formed.
Just go to the forum and sign up. Get your awesome discount code and use it to buy your kit (you dont have to buy the kit to participate, but it makes deciding what to use a whole lot easier!!!!)
And then check out Scrapping Outbacks blog for a chance to win a cool prize.. check it out below!

Thursday, September 02, 2010 | | 0 Comments